25 December, 2018

Status and Society

My new book, based on this post, is now available.
'Where you at?' Kindle Edition by David Watkinson
Free on
December 30 & 31 2018
January 1st 2019
February 1st 2019
March 1st 2019

In society we all like to know our place. Where we fit in relative to everyone else. For females, this 'may' mean knowing which of your group is the most attractive and for males this 'may' mean knowing who earns the most.

At work, we like to know who we can ask to do things and who can ask us to do things and who we have to work with. We like those in 'authority' to wear uniforms and have symbols of 'authority' such as badges or keys to access non-public buildings that we, the public, pay for. Job titles are important to us, Prime Minister or President or CEO or CFO or Manager or Consultant or Enhanced Optical Clarity Engineer (Window Cleaner.)

What utter nonsense. Society is based on all the above nonsense being important. Imagine six women in a bar and in walks a stylishly dressed man of above average height. Society will have conditioned him to know which of the six women is the most attractive. Thus he can more easily mingle with the six women without upsetting their hierarchy. What utter nonsense yet that is the world we think we live in.

Six male friends may all know who earns the most money but if he has no clue on how to spend, save and invest it, then does is really matter? These friends may all have different job titles but as friends, this does not matter either.

So, society is based on certain truths that we all know are not true. So, what is true, I believe that fear keeps us believing that which we know to be untrue. I use the word fear to encompass a wide range of hormonal responses, from slightly uncomfortable to intense fright.

Work is a difficult area to be completely free of fear. As is arguing with a policeman. This is where society wins out against all logic, which is exactly how society employs fear against our individual and collective best interests.

At work, we each have an area of responsibility and accountability. So be responsible for that area and be accountable for that area. If your boss asks that you do something outside of this area, simply point out that you will be unable to maintain your current level of performance, in your current area, should you perform this new task. If the boss still requires you to do the new task, then so be it. Do it. Don't be afraid to ask for additional resources and equipment, to be able to do the new task reasonably well. If you are denied these things then still do the new task. In doing things in this way, your are being useful and helpful to your boss and he or she is aware of how you believe this will impact on your core areas.

At work many of us create our own stress based upon a high demand workload or tight deadline. This is because many of us strive to do our best. To continue to hit and meet our goals and targets despite an increase in workload or a shift of resources away from us or perhaps because we are simply given more to do. We like to do our 'best'. Well, I suggest you simply do that which is reasonable for you to do with your current resources and available time. If your are prioritising, then you don't have to make the best decisions or even choose to do things optimally. You are paid to make reasonable choices and to make reasonable assumptions. As in driving a motor car, you only need drive it in a reasonable manner. You needn't drive anywhere as fast as possible, or using as little fuel as possible. A low status boss may insist that you achieve conflicting goals, So the key word is REASONABLE. Now, let us imagine a low status boss is unhappy with your performance and tells you to do better. Perhaps he says that you are not working at your best. No need to argue. Have a think about what extra resources you need to complete the tasks as required by your boss. I recently did this. Eventually, I determined what was needed and requested it. I chose an optimal solution. One using as few company resources as possible to the greatest possible effect. I did plan 'optimally' but in actually executing the plan, doing the work, I simply work in a reasonable manner. Zero stress for my boss. Zero stress for me. Boss is a strong word. He is simply another member of our 'family' with a different area of responsibility and accountability to me.

If your boss asks you to do something that is a waste of time and effort. As happened to me this week, don't react with frustration or anger. That is the reaction of a low status being and not a high status one. Give it some thought. I replied with a well thought out email emphasizing the size of the task and the unlikely chance of completing it before the deadline. I offered an alternative solution, which would not waste any time. My boss accepted my proposal. Both of us behaving as high status males. Both of us respecting each others areas of responsibility and accountability. Both of us treating and reacting to each other as if we were both actual human beings.

You can do the same thing with police and other 'jobsworths'. A 'jobsworth' is someone who completely believes in 'society' rather than 'humanity'. A person who may or may not lack humanity but their belief in society is far stronger. Or rather, their fear of punishment crushes their basic humanity. Let us briefly go up a level of critical thought. Recently, I had a human resource person tell me that I could not have a tape dispenser, with a retail cost of less than five bucks / three pounds. Her 'reasoning' was that no-one else had one. Interesting. A few weeks later I sent her an email requesting a piece of equipment costing 100 times that of the tape dispenser. I reasonably stated what I could do and what I could not do without the equipment and gave her total accountability and responsibility for supplying the equipment or not supplying it. In denying me the five dollar tape dispenser she exercised power without any responsibility or accountability. Something that feminists truly enjoy. I simply accepted her power and then gave her accountability and responsibility for the purchase or otherwise of a 500 dollar / 300 pounds sterling item. She made her choice. She chose not to be accountable for me being unable to perform certain tasks and supplied the equipment. I choose not to see this as a victory but one of reasonably matching power with accountability and responsibility. I get to maintain my high status position and the women in HR gets to experience it. For those with an eye for detail. I did get my tape dispenser but I did have to ask twice for it. A few weeks later I requested a Parker Pen refill, which is far beyond my pay grade. My request was granted within 60 seconds. It looks like the HR lady with the power to say 'no' has learned that saying 'no' to me is not going to lead to a shot of endorphins. She has removed the Parker Pen re-fill from my buy list. I hope she enjoyed the endorphin hit.

I hope that I am gently opening your eyes / mind to the reality of society. To the silent demands of society. I ought really write a book about the demands of society. Before that, I need to write a book about increasing your awareness of others. Yet still, before even that I must write a book about increasing your own self awareness. I must then find a way of getting these books to you. As you have no way of judging the value of these books before reading them, I must find a way to get them to you at no cost. So I have. Christmas 2018 - free on Amazon. I perhaps need to do more. However, as a high status male I have deemed my efforts, thus far, as reasonable. The rest is up to you, as it always has and always will be. Due to Amazons rules, one of the books cannot be free so I have made the collection free. Please download it.

Society has rules and hierarchies that utterly depend upon you believing them despite the fact that we 'know' the rules are not true yet many people fear the consequences of ignoring the rules anyway. I 'once' broke a law and was caught, Judged and sentenced. I did what I could to minimise the impact of the consequences of my actions but never feared the outcome. One law enforcement Officer mentioned something about my 'punishment'. He even used the word 'punished'. I squared up to him and quietly but firmly said, 'No-one punishes me.' I was behaving and had continually behaved as a high status male throughout the 'experience'. This did not sit well with many of those who believed that their position in society gave them any 'authority' over me. Over a period of time, all those in 'authority' who believed that they had any 'authority' over me learned that they didn't. I hope that the lesson they learnt was that I had accepted 'societies' consequences for my actions. They eventually realised that I had no fear of their 'punishments'. However, they were not immune from imagining into existence fears of what I could do to them. I am not making a point about how 'hard' or how 'feared' I may or may not be. I am using that which society has conditioned into us all. Fear of the consequences for breaking rules. Society has rules and consequences. I merely allowed those in 'Authority' to realise an obvious truth, that I had my own set of rules and consequences too. As do we all. The key element of using this undocumented societal feature is to treat everyone as if they were high status, whilst maintaining high status yourself. This dissolves their illusory societal status and then you communicate as equals, one human to another. Or those in authority succumb to fear, so take extra special care when that happens.

The essential point that I am trying to make is that even a penniless, jobless man can consider himself to be high status and can carry himself as high status and be perceived as high status. The members of the public will make up their own back story for him. One which continues their own belief in society rather than face the fact that 'society' is based upon 'fear' and is utterly opposed to allowing humanity to thrive.

Humanity is reality and society just an illusion.

This is easily proved. Should you walk into a room full of adults and one eight year old girl, you may assume that the girl is the weakest. You are likely correct. She likely has no real wealth, no job and could easily be over powered or physically coerced. Society does have laws and you could expect to be arrested if you attempted to remove her from the room against her will. However, in reality, a family member will be present and they will stop you. Perhaps by doing something 'illegal' themselves. Perhaps you are a policeman and have some vague reason for taking the girl. Now 'society' is not stupid. A parent or guardian will be asked to accompany the girl. This is solely due to the fact that fear of breaking a rule by stopping the policeman from taking your daughter will be completely overwhelmed by your humanity – by your sense of responsibility and accountability for the welfare of your loved ones.

Thus our humanity, under developed as it is, will only allow society to go so far. This is why mass surveillance of the public by our governments is so corrosive to our collective humanity. Government wants to know how far it can push us before our humanity kicks in and we push back. Society always wants more power. Governments always want more power, just to get more done. Which brings me to the current crop of feminists and human resource people. Feminists and human resource people really do believe that society is the only thing between us and complete anarchy. Human resource people believe completely in companies hierarchical structures. That no other way of managing people and resources towards a collective goal is possible. These human resource people get to decide who gets to work at these companies, who gets the resources and so the creative and intellectual can be labelled as trouble makers and correctly identified as not fitting in with the companies hierarchy. The feminists can give government tacit approval for destroying mens careers who say the wrong thing, jokingly, sarcastically, or not. Feminists can allow government the power to take wealth from men to give to women. I know of one woman who asked her ex-husband to look after their children while she went on a two month tour of the world with her new boyfriend. On getting back to England she was enraged that her ex had not been paying her child support money. A Judge on hearing the full story forced the man to pay up saying that he should have asked the Judge first before not paying. As I say, society is not real and is based upon rules that are not based on either justice, fairness, logic or humanity.

Society is not standing between us and anarchy.

Humanity always stands against anarchy

Society simply stands between us and our own humanity.

So, where does the blame lie for our current lack of humanity? There is no blame. We should all choose to be high status. Then society dissolves. Humanity ascends. We all enjoy living in a civilisation which could slowly morph into Heaven on Earth.

Society does not spring from anarchy

Society gets stronger from suppressing the humanity in all of us.

Society continues at humanities expense, at our expense, at your expense, at the expense of your loved ones and children. Regardless of whether you are aware of this or not.

Please weigh my words with care and if any resonate with you, give them further thought and consider choosing to make a difference.

Becoming high status might well take effort and require practice, start as follows:-

Act and behave as......................................

High status in your own home and with friends
High status when walking around your neighbourhood
High Status when driving your car or riding your bike
High status at work
High status when dealing with 'officials'
High status when talking to others
High status at job interview
High status when dating
High status when in court
High status when in prison
High status when in hospital

Encourage high status behaviour in others and exercise reasonable control of your new found power. Try calming peoples fears rather than encouraging them.

Have fun and take care (of everyone, especially yourself.)


My high status is accepted at work, when talking with others and 'officials'. My mother refuses to accept it. Openly asking who I think I am. There are times when I sabotage my own high status but those are becoming far less frequent. I had a Doctor who refused to accept my high status, he broke some rules in an attempt to prove that I was insane. He failed and lost his position.

Being high status is a state of mind and not a state of wealth.

Being high status is not dependent upon a job title.

You choose to be high status and others either accept it or pointlessly waste their own limited energy trying to convince you that you are not high status.

You choose to be high status and you automatically encourage the humanity in others. You are soon saturated in humanity and so society simply dissolves, at least for you.

You choose to be high status and those with little humanity, who are fully dependent upon what society tells them they are, will assume you are something you aren't and accept your high status but will continually test you. As will every member of society anyway.

For those of you who feel, think or believe that there may be an inkling of truth in any of this (There isn't, I make everything up), when you choose to act and be high status you naturally increase the status of those around you, simply by dissipating fear. This is quite natural, as the natural tendency of (mostly) everyone is to be high status anyway and remember that only fear prevents us from being the high status humans that we are.

A final critical thought, I believe that Jesus chose to be high status and that he had to let go of his fear first. Perhaps the fear of disappointing his Father. The fear of his Father punishing us. Or the fear of failing to create Heaven on Earth. Which he did fail to achieve despite his best efforts and a few miracles. Being high status led to his being nailed to a cross but he did not fear it. You may wish to act and be high status but first you must conquer your own fears. How you achieve this is your own business but my books were written to be somewhat helpful and are free this 2018 Christmas period.

Merry Christmas and that.

PS. I hadn't actually realised that I automatically treat others as high status when I am in high status mode. This requires further thought as I now have an increased awareness of self and need to determine how this affects others and if this impacts upon my perception of 'society'.

I could ramble on for hours and hours and so I will craft a book to discipline myself into giving these thoughts structure and time to fully realise the inherent feedback in not only being high status but how those I treat as high status reflect this back to me. (A self reinforcing positive feedback loop of pure humanity.)

I will let you know when and how it is published and when it will be free to acquire, should that be something I can reasonably achieve. My personally imposed deadline will be Christmas 2019. Taking 3 months off work to publish on my 50th birthday appeals to me but so do a great many things and I cannot do them all.

If you cannot wait, read this post again but slower. Read all three of my books with an open mind and practice being and treating others as high status. Then read all three of my books again. (Believe that they were designed to be short for a reason.)

Someone in high status mode is relaxed and will appear to exist in an oasis of calm. Fear is absent.

Someone in low status mode will be stressed, readily irritated, overly sensitive and be overly defensive or aggressive. On the internet, these are called trolls and in real-life called bullies.

The only real difference between high status and low status mode is fear. Low status people, knowingly or not, create fear within others and high status will, knowingly or not, reduce fear in others. Each of us can choose to be high status, at any time, by choosing to conquer whichever fear is forcing us into low status mode.

Christmas can be particularly stressful and by making an attempt to identify each fear as it arises, we can make an effort to conquer it, which banishes the stress. This is not easy but it is the single greatest gift you can either give to yourself or others.

Stress, anger, annoyance are all great indicators that a fear is interfering with your ability to enjoy your current experience. Smile because this is good, you can now attempt to identify the fear, conquer it and then the stress, anger or annoyance associated with that fear ceases to exist. As each fear is identified and conquered, your experience of life becomes more satisfying and enjoyable.

The status that I am discussing is true status and not the synthetic status society gives you for enslaving yourself to its rules. True status is a choice, not a purchase, job title or a number in a bank account.

If you are sad at Christmas, this is not a fear and so there is no need to conquer it. Simply be sad. Explore your feelings and fully experience your sadness. If pleasant memories arise, fully explore and experience those to. Take care.

To access my books, you need an Amazon account but it needn't be a Prime Amazon Account. A non-prime account is free and you can download a sample of any of my trilogy for free at anytime. When a book is free, you will have the required skills to download it and read it upon a wide range of devices.

I wrote this blog in high status mode and imagined writing it for another high status human being. When reading this post, if you didn't maintain high status mode throughout you will need to re-read it at some point when you are able to maintain high status mode. Otherwise, the communication channel between us is corrupted by fear and you haven't read what I have written.

Take care

The free book is available until Dec 29 2018

The Mindfulness Trilogy: Books 1, 2 and 3 Kindle Edition by David Watkinson

07 December, 2018

High status vs low status

Building upon my previous post, yesterday a low status individual attempted to start a physical fight with me.

In chronological order, he parked his scooter illegally outside of where I work.
He then tried to shoplift a pair of motorcycle gloves from the shop where I buy lunch. He failed.
He then walked back toward his scooter to find me looking at it.
'What you doing', he growled at me.

Well, he has already lost because - he just has. This is not my first day in the 'real world'.

In these circumstances you either knock them out cold or confuse them. I replied with the name of the shop he had just tried to steal from. He growled the question again. I repeated myself and then said, 'are you asking me where I am going?'. This is nonsensical which is the point. He growled, 'no' and repeated himself. I answered, 'I am looking at the scooter, what make is it?'. This calmed him and we had a chat during which he opened and drank a can of cheap lager.

Growling at me, barking questions at me, had zero effect as he is a low status, aggressive thug. I am a high status male and as such he poses zero threat. He was looking for a fight but then realised he was not talking to a lower or equal status male but a far higher one. Whether he knew this consciously or not is beyond my abilities to detect. He completely changed from a thug (seeking a physical confrontation) to someone  who was more than happy to fully answer my queries about his Vespa scooter. He even provided a good deal of information that he thought I ought to know about his 'pride and joy'. He was correct.

High status is not dependent upon having the right watch, wearing the right clothes, living in the right location and earning the right amount of money or having the right parents. High status is a gift that you give yourself. Obviously, it both is and isn't that easy.

Today, both my boss and his boss tested my 'status'. I passed. Many MGTOW complain that women continually test the 'status' of their boyfriends / husbands. I have news for the MGTOW, everyone continually tests everybody elses 'status'. It is what members of the public do. Perhaps this is something you could become more aware of? (read my second book. After reading the first one. Then read the third one. Available free over Christmas, hopefully.)

Allow me to give a further two examples of 'status' tests.

The first is 'chatting up a woman'. If you are nervous, red faced, stuttering, stuck for things to say and generally flustered, you are simply advising your intended mate that you are of low status and should be gently ignored. A high status male is confident and unconcerned with either 'victory' or 'defeat'. Neither word applies to the outcome of a high status male talking to a woman. A high status male is simply passing his time in a generally pleasant way regardless of outcome.

The second status test is a job interview. Again, a low status man will advertise this by being nervous, red faced, stuttering, stuck for things to say and generally flustered. A high status male will be none of these things. A high status male is merely considering a new position.

In all three examples, all the power resides with the high status male. He chooses whether or not to physically assault the thug, whether or not he wishes to spend any additional time with the woman or the prospective employer. Obviously, the thug could assault him anyway, the woman and employer reject him but the high status male is not bothered. A high status male knows that he cannot predict the future and not getting the job or woman might be the best outcome. Perhaps not being assaulted is a better outcome than being assaulted but in any case the high status male does not fear being assaulted. Well, I didn't.

Shall we go a little further down this particular rabbit hole? The 'status trick' discussed above works because people have been conditioned from before birth to accept 'authority'. Actually, people are conditioned to 'fear' the consequences of not accepting 'authority'. In terms of status, a member of public 'knows' exactly what their status is relative to whoever they are talking to. In fact, most conversations are solely about determining who has the higher status.

The thug, being verbally aggressive to me noticed that I reacted as though his aggression was completely absent. That he was not a physical threat. His conditioning then forces him into taking a submissive role, to demonstrate that he accepts my higher status because he fears the consequences of not accepting my 'authority' over him. Basically, he does not want to find out why I don't fear him. Actually, he fears what form my punishment might take if I choose to demonstrate my 'status'. Obviously, as we talk he tries to determine if I am bluffing, simply stupid or an ex-Mafia Enforcer. Regardless, he was very careful not to display any further aggression. He became both pleasant and informative.

I do hope that this is food for (critical) thought rather than you trying to prove to yourself that I am not high status and that I make all this stuff up. I can recall hundreds of completely unbelievable events that I was involved with in my twenties and thirties. So, yes my 'incidents' are unbelievable but so is your so called real world - which is my point. I shouldn't be able to do any of the stuff I do. We all should realise that we are ALL high status. Your high status begins when you say it does. Reading my books will help. Then give it a few years.

The title was high status vs low status. Well, low status always loses and they lose deliberately out of fear of repercussions of winning.

The title also indicates that you have a choice.

The highest social status person that I have ever met was a high ranking cabinet minister. One with a proper job title back when those things meant something. I mentioned that I would like to see him and the people round me made it happen. I should have been clearer. I simply wished to observe him. He thrust out his hand to shake mine. I looked into his eyes. There was a moments pause. Then I turned my back on him and walked away. He wasn't high status. Well, his status was far lower than mine.

Please do not tell me that society is the best that we can hope to have. That without society we have anarchy. That is simply what we are conditioned to believe. That is exactly how the low status 'see' the world. Until most of us are high status then the low status will create anarchy when society fractures.

You may wonder at how many high status human beings I know. Well, that is none of your business.
You may wonder at what I have actually done and what I am capable of doing. Just know this, fear finding out. Or not. (You do have a choice.)

Be seeing you


04 December, 2018

Temet Nosce

Many MGTOW vloggers are not comfortable with female hyper-gamy, which is a tendency for women to seek out a high status mate. Practically, this means that women judge 80% of men to be of less than average physical attractiveness.

However, should a woman find out a man is wealthy, then he can magically transforms from below average looks to well above average. Many MGTOW find this quality in women to be 'troubling'.

The basic tendency is for women to seek out a mate to provide a safe and secure environment for raising children. Whereas a male seeks out a female capable of easily bearing children. Rather harshly, women seek out a man with wealth and a man seeks out a young and attractive female. I have no problem with that. It is just something to be aware of. As a man I find that most 20-25 year old women look attractive. I don't believe many of them would make a decent partner to me, a man of twice their age.

For women this means not playing the field until their mid thirties and then trying to have a baby and get married and buy a house in a few short months. They ought not wait for the perfect man either. If only 20% of men are rated as attractive to females then most of them are not going to find that which they seek.

I have advice for both men and women. This is a critical thought blog, so my advice ought to be considered carefully and not simply judged as right or wrong. You have to make up your own mind.

The advice I will give is, know thyself.

Men:- increase your status to a point where women do class you as physically attractive. Social status is based on cars, watches, job titles, wealth and lifestyle. At a social gathering I started chatting to a wealthy man whilst admiring his attractive wife. I asked him why he drove a Bentley Turbo RR and he stated that he bought it as it was more expensive than a Rolls Royce. I just walked away from him. His status, in my eyes, hit zero. I didn't even bother to excuse myself. There was no need, he had revealed his status as being zero. I hope you really understand the point of status. If you don't, then buying increasingly expensive cars and watches is not the way to become an actual high status male or female.

Society can give you an illusion of status to dazzle other low status members of society. The reality is somewhat different. Real status is not built upon the whims of society but on the solid foundation of civilisation. Think about it. A high status man is confident, not loud and brash, controlled in his actions and reactions, he inspires confidence and brings out the best in those around him. He is powerful and is highly sought out by women. This is called hyper-gamy to some but it is simply common-sense. Practically all men have the ability to develop into high status males. Read my three short books and practise the exercises described within them for a few years.

Women:- I am sure you could follow the advice given above for men and become far more attractive in person than your photographs suggest. However, you can also help develop nearly any man into a high status male. Remembering that actual high status is not dependent upon job title, wealth, cars, houses or watches. It just isn't.

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I have discussed the difference between society and civilisation before. Basically, society is an unnatural state of affairs and civilisation is natural.

Our society tells us only 20% of men are attractive to women. This tells me all I need to know about western society.

Becoming a high status male is a mental choice and is demonstrated through deeds and actions.

For example, I was once told that in business, if I was ever unsure of what to do, then at least make a profit.

Thus, in life, if you aren't really sure what you you ought to do, then at least acquire wealth and status symbols.

The point being, a high status man will know what he wishes to do in life. A high status man may choose to run a business but he will run it for a reason and that reason will not simply be 'profit'.

Society would have you believe that profit and the acquisition of wealth grants you status. It doesn't. You demonstrate your own status through your words and actions and nothing else.

 “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

In the above quote, the 'measure of a man' is what I call status. I fully agree with Mr King Jr

That is actually what women seek. A 'man of character' who remains calm, relaxed, confident and a pleasure to be with when things are not going his way. Failing that, a fat wallet will likely keep adversity at bay.

A man seeks exactly the same thing, a woman who remains calm, relaxed, confident and a pleasure to be with when things are not going her way. Failing that, whatever society currently describes as 'attractive' will suffice.

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In my books and other blog posts I mention an 'inner monkey'. All my 'inner monkey' ever does is seek to destroy my status. When my 'inner monkey' is dormant, my status is absolute. I only realised that as I typed it. Temet Nosce (know thyself) is far more useful than a Bentley Turbo RR and a Rolex watch. To end this post, the wealthy man I described earlier soon disposed of his attractive wife for a younger model. The ex-wife soon found a new man who took several hundred thousand pounds from her. I wouldn't describe any of these four people as being high status.

Be seeing you

02 November, 2018

Sigma view of MGTOW - an epiphany

For those who are unaware, MGTOW is a movement of men going their own way. I have looked into MGTOW and they seem to have confused two key concepts.

1) Many MGTOW are just the male opposites of the whiney female feminists. As feminists are openly hostile to men, many MGTOW are openly hostile to women.

The more society advances, the more brittle it becomes. Feminists and MGTOW are born of society and will unintentionally destroy it.

2) A small percentage of men classed as MGTOW are actually male Sigma.

A male Sigma is not a member of society or the opposite of a whiney feminist. Male Sigmas are most comfortable doing their own thing, whatever that may be, regardless of how others view it.

I would encourage MGTOW and feminists to read my trilogy. That said, all men ought to be Sigma as should all women. Then we can all live in an actual civilisation rather than the unreal illusion that society has us believe is the real world.

Recently, I viewed a youtube clip that answered a question that I had been wrestling with for nearly four decades.


Then a lighter clip.


The answer is that men need / want / desire respect.

Women need / want / desire love.

As a man, this made a great deal of sense to me. I had tried 'loving' everyone but this has been difficult and success limited.

Respecting everyone is far easier, at least for me - a Sigma Male. However, the first person that you need to actively respect is yourself. Which in my case, is me. Work has been intense for a couple of months and I have become unable to manage the increased work-load. Today, I deliberately 'respected myself' and that respect flowed freely. I also managed, inadvertently, to respect my colleagues too. At the beginning of lunch I quietly informed my colleagues that I might not come back. I left work, bought some sandwiches and walked calmly to a nearby lake. I gave no thought whatsoever to returning to work and enjoyed my lunch. Two things caused me to return to work, I was cold and after eating, wished to clean my teeth. Even back at work, I still hadn't decided that I was going to stay. I was happily surprised that my Boss and the Office Coordinator were doing my job for me. They informed me as to what they had done and not done and then they quietly returned to their own jobs. It was in that moment that I decided to stay. (Two colleagues spending their own lunch hour doing my job for me was a kindness that I could not ignore.)

I hadn't felt stressed, frustrated or angry. Or rather, I had chosen to not feel stress, frustration or anger. I just acknowledged that I was in an impossible situation and that I was deciding whether or not to continue. I simply put myself first and not the work. I simply respected myself. I merely gave myself a choice, to continue to struggle or just go home.

I believe that this was a huge moment for me. From this freely flowing respect for myself, I gained the confidence to choose not to feel stress or frustration or anger. I became me.

I have had many moments of sensing my own power and even demonstrating it. I have spent many hours doing the unbelievable but now, I feel as though the unbelievable is now just who I am.

We shall see how long this lasts and if I allow anyone to undermine or destroy the 'me' I have always known I was and could be if it wasn't for 'everything' and 'everyone'.

The cat keeps meowing at me as I am typing and not sat with my girlfriend watching TV and drinking beer and whisky. That will come. I have cuddled the cat and put her outside. Last time this happened I shouted at the cat, this unsettled the girlfriend, which lead to an unpleasant argument. She didn't feel loved and I didn't feel respected. I simply felt anger, resentment and the rest. This is an example of the loop described by the cute twins in the second YouTube clip. They are both very perceptive and intelligent. I really enjoyed reading their sci-fi / fantasy  book.

What next?

I expect my life, although pleasant enough, will get far more satisfying.

Perhaps I ought to write a final book (about respect) but I doubt that I will.

Perhaps I will write some new posts but I have written enough.

As a Male Sigma, I have been searching for something and I believe that I have found it.


Respect is not commanded, demanded or asked for.

Respect flows like a stream from within to without.


This Epiphany came after two years of following the stuff I wrote about in my trilogy. Without that, I would not have had this. I hope you are reasonably successful in your (life) journey.

For a Female Sigma,


Love is not commanded, demanded or asked for.

Love flows like a stream from within to without.


Should the feminists and MGTOW actually become aware of themselves, others and the demands of society, then Heaven On Earth will be born from a true human civilisation. (A true human is Sigma.)

Be seeing you

27 October, 2018

Simplicity and Complexity

This post forms an unofficial trilogy with Sustainability and timing the crash.

The two core concepts covered were that society is founded upon fear and that modern day finance continues to exist due to confidence, or perhaps complete disbelief, in modern day finance,

This post covers the concept of how this 'belief system' is maintained.

For tens of thousands of years, human beings 'bartered' with each other. Friends and family would exchange gifts and favours. Excesses would be shared. Life was not hard. The streams were full of fish and the soil rich. Food grew wildly about the place and animals made out of meat wandered about looking to be eaten. Life would involve getting up once the sun had warmed up the place. Eating some fruit and berries that the children had collected the previous evening. The men would form a hunting party and just out of sight of the women, start competing with each other about who had the sharpest 'knife', best spear or just laze about playing gentle or aggressive games. The women would tend to the 'crops' and animals. In other words form groups and chat about whose husband had the sharpest 'knife' or best spear. The children would wander off playing games but keeping out of sight of the men who would find them something constructive to do or the women who would make them tend the 'crops' or muck out the animals. Mid morning, the children would continue exploring as the adults had naps. You get the picture, life was easy. Stress and excitement did exist but you had to go out of your way to find it.

You could say our ancestors had a simple life. They had no need of society, consisting of banks and government. That we have a complex life and thus we need society, consisting of banks and government. Well, that is the response that you have been conditioned to give. I write that with utter confidence as you will have never thought about an alternative or even realised that our ancestors had a far easier life than us. Our ancestors had a natural life and lived as human beings do naturally. We work forty hours a week and our ancestors around 16 hours a week. The elderly, less than half that.

Now imagine our ancestors without banks and government but with modern technology and medicine. That is our future. Food in abundance. Lots of shelter. Clothes to suit a full season of weather. Readily available tools to design and make things to share or exchange with others.

In this future, our future, humanities future, what is missing? Politicians and bankers. We are conditioned to believe that govt is powerful and that banks are wealthy. This is never questioned.

In the human civilisation I describe, either the future one or that of our ancestors, there is no govt thus the power resides within each human being. If we see someone in distress we would automatically render assistance and not wait for the authorities to do such a thing. We would take an injured child to whichever person in our group was most adept at 'medicine'. Larger groups may even have a dedicated building to help heal the injured. Without society, roads and hospitals would still exist. All good ideas would continue to exist. The written word would exist. Entertainment would exist. Would smart phones?

Quite naturally, society favours ideas that strengthen society. Banks like ideas that allow them to create bank credits and regulations that only the very largest can afford to ignore / implement. Government like ideas that give them more power and greater access to our wealth. Governments and banks love smart phones. Government and banks love social media. Thus societal wealth flows into such endevours that support society. With social media and smart phones mass surveillance becomes inexpensive. Now, let me be clear about what mas surveillance is. All individuals are not tracked and no-one cares who you slept with last night or what you are eating for breakfast. Mass surveillance means just that, 'mass surveillance'. Let us take this article, the instant I publish it four 'search engines' will 'read' it and tag the web address and label the content. One 'search engine' would be Google. This is so when you search using Google, this article is considered as a possible 'result'. It must be obvious that Google pre-searches and categorises web pages. Google doesn't read everything on the internet every time someone searches for something. Now, I mentioned that finance only exists because of our collective belief in it. I can write software and develop other metrics in an attempt to 'measure' confidence in the power of government and the confidence in the financial system. This should not be a surprise and not 'fake news' that a government agency or agencies would be doing this. The next obvious question is, 'can we change the way people view events?'. Can order be maintained, can society be strengthened, can a 'collapse' be delayed?

Well, once you decide that you would like to see if your self awareness can be enhanced, you might extend the effort required to do so. This would involve buying my books, researching better books, searching for 'meditation' guidance and perhaps you will trigger some software code that records an interest and your location. Thus if 2% or so of Kettering starts meditating, then this could be considered as a threat to society and our way of life. Not a serious threat yet but the start of the end. Should a minority commit a crime in Kettering then the news could go into overdrive and spin events so as to create fear in the minorities and the non-minorities alike. Libraries could be closed, always a good way to upset the chattering classes. The police could also be used. Should a meditation group have a member who has an unsettling sexual interest in children, then police raids on everyone, confiscating all smart phones, laptops, computers and ipads and kindles and so on, would easily disrupt the newly formed meditating group. The media could get quite a few sensational stories out of this and sell more media. I would describe this type of behaviour as 'fear tactics'.

Is this paranoia? Am I trying to scare you? No, I am not. I am calmly and politely (mostly) pointing out the world in which we live. Hopefully, painting a very vivid picture of the world we could live in. Or at least, encouraging you to imagine a far better world than this one.

Am I safe from this societal persecution? Yes and no.

Do I fear societal persecution? No.

Do I expect societal persecution should this blog be taken as a threat to society? Yes and no.

Do I fear societal persecution? No.

It takes a certain mindset to see that which I see.

It takes a certain set of experiences to mould a person into someone like me. It takes will power beyond the limits of reason.

I would simply see societal persecution as validation  and promotion for my 'work' and as a test of my humanity. I do not fear failing such a test and passing it means less than nothing to me. There will always be tests and I understand that my humanity is less than absolute anyway.

Society has already tested me in the past and they will not be in a rush to do so again.

As I have already wrote, I am far more powerful than any member of society.

That may sound like boasting and I can back it up with facts and stories that you will not believe. Thus reinforcing your view that I am boasting. Forget about me. This entire blog is about you, your world and your descendants.

Govt and banking create rules.

Human beings create everything else

Govt and banking can only exist within a framework of enforceable societal rules.

Human beings, quite naturally, recognise injustices.

For society to continue, human beings must be heavily conditioned into accepting the cost of govt and banking. To believe that the plethora of injustices are necessary unavoidable otherwise we would have 'anarchy'.

By delaying the collapse of finance and then govt, we simply delay the dawn of civilisation.

With the dawn of a true human civilisation, we would experience 'abundance' created by our technological brilliance and the freedom (and necessity) to be both creative and productive.

I shall give one example and then have my breakfast. Imagine a council estate with a family of unproductive, uncooperative and aggressive members of society. We pay for their home and their food. We pay for their medical care and schooling. We pay for the police and social workers. We pay for the council to monitor their noise output and we pay for people to clear up their mess and graffiti. We have no power to do anything but must pay our taxes and pay for their chosen lifestyle. Subtract government and banking from this picture. When their children fall ill, it is likely that a member of the community will help them. A disheveled child is likely to be fed and clothed. Would the man be forced to crime to support himself? Well, either that or find something useful to do. So, he may become a productive human being and contribute to his community. However, he could choose crime. Perhaps stealing food from others. Many would tolerate this. However, he does risk stealing from someone who would physically punish him for his act. Who may even physically punish him for any theft, even from others. A productive man can always pay for his own medical care. It is difficult to steal medical care. Thus the former aggressive man turned criminal would soon see that his chosen lifestyle is unbelievably difficult to maintain. Without the support of his neighbours, his life becomes both nearly impossible and physically dangerous. The easy option would be to ask for help in trying to be productive. Thus our society enables him to be aggressive. Society tells us that it protects us from him. Society cares only for society. Society is rules. Humanity would naturally and with little effort and no cost, help the aggressive member of society to develop into a productive human being.

Society has you believing that the complex is simple and that the simple is complex. That you are weak and that they are strong. That banks are wealthy and that you are not. Our society is based upon believing a great many impossible things. This is not a healthy state of being.

If you have read this post without fear, you will see a seed of truth within yourself.

26 October, 2018

Timing the crash

I often mention 'sustainability' and the coming crash. Most people would assume that I am a doom monger or 'end of the world' sign manufacturer. Others simply want to know when the 'crash' will occur.

I am not a doom monger. The end of our society ought to happen when we are ready to usher in an actual civilisation. A society is one with rules and public institutions and a civilisation is one with people and common sense.

Let me start with a story. In 1920's America, people wore hats. Men wore hats. Women wore hats. The rich wore hats. The poor wore hats. Perhaps someone would insist that this hat wearing would end and no-one would wear a hat. Predicting when hats would no longer be worn outdoors would be impossible. Thus it is with predicting an economic crash or societal crash. Predicting when is impossible.

Let me colour the picture in for you. One Saturday, you would buy an expensive hat and on Monday your co-workers would admire it. However, there would come a time when you would buy an expensive hat and your co-workers would ask why you had wasted so much money on a hat and mock you.

This relates directly to when the financial system will crash. On Saturday, you have a conservatory added to your home, On Monday, your co-workers tell you how much value you have added to your home. At some point, your co-workers will mock you for an extension or attic conversion as a waste of money. Thus attitudes change and we all now this.

Now, should 2% of us decide to withdraw our entire savings and investments (pension) from the financial system, the financial sector would simply collapse.

Similarly, should 2% of us decide to withdraw our bank credits from our bank accounts, the banking sector would simply collapse.

I could not realistically predict when hat wearing would go out of or come back into fashion. In the same way I cannot predict when 2% of people would attempt to withdraw their funds due to a collapse of confidence in the banking or financial sector.

Some of you will probably want to know where I got the 2% figure from. Completely ignoring the basic point, the banking and financial system is based solely upon our confidence that it is fair and just and not simply a fraud committed against humanity.

Regardless, let me discuss five near complete failures of the financial system in my brief (50 year) lifetime. So, 1971. Foreign central banks could redeem US dollars for gold. Then Nixon told them they couldn't for a short period of time. They still can't. Black Friday in 1987. The 1997 Asian financial crash. The 2002 tech bubble crash. The 2008 Global Financial crisis. As the financial system still continues then you could argue that it is robust. Well, the financial system continues as we still have confidence in it. I say confidence, most people are indifferent to it.

The financial and banking sectors will never collapse whilst we still have confidence in them. In 2008, the banks needed bailing out. So, the govts borrowed 'money' from the banks and then gave it back to them. How much 'money' did the US banks need? No one knew or knows. Three bankers wrote as big a number as they thought they could get away with and three senators agreed. One of the senators stated that he was told that if he said no, the world would end as we know it. One of the three men who wrote the number on the back of an envelope admitted that it was just a guess.

Now, none of this matters. Each head of a central bank has only one function to perform. To do nothing which would cause 2% or more of the population to lose confidence in the dollar / pound / euro. In the UK, in order to meet demands for pension pay outs, the Bank of England bought near worthless govt bonds at full price. To keep a few massive financial institutions viable, the Bank of England bought near worthless corporate debt at full price. Did this effect our confidence in the pound? No. The Bank of England has unlimited buying power. It can buy the world simply by pressing the alpha numeric character known as 'one' on a keyboard and then holding down the zero key for as long as it takes. The only thing stopping them is the fact that we might or would lose confidence in the pound / financial system as a result of their actions.

Again, many very powerful bankers will state that there are rules and regulations which would prevent the Bank of England from buying everything and they are both correct and incorrect. If you recall, Zimbabwe decide to try this and the other central banks disowned them. A trillion dollar zimbabwee note is worth around one fresh doughnut. So, the rules and regulations are there but their only role is too help maintain credibility and confidence.

Fundamentally, it does not matter what I write. You will believe whatever it is you believe.

How about this. The IMF is made up of the heads of the worlds central banks. The IMF maintains a consensus. Should a central bank start trying to buy everything, the IMF will isolate them. The currency of the rogue central bank collapses to zero. However, the head of the IMF lost his job for being caught indulging in two favoured hobbies of bankers - hookers and blow. Did this effect our confidence in the entire financial system? No, he got the sack and Christine got the job.

Our confidence in the financial system is near absolute. Or perhaps, our indifference is? Or perhaps we live in a near perfect society of non-critical thinkers. I don't see the collapse of our society as a bad thing. Provided, that we are able to birth a civilisation of critically thinking human beings. This is the vision I share and continue with the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. To live in a world where people use their eyes to see and their ears to listen.

Executive summary

We, the people, use bank credit as if it were money

Banks are allowed to create unlimited bank credit to satisfy any loan application

Central banks are allowed to create bank credit to buy anything


Some of you will believe that banks can only lend 10 times the 'money' that they have. One of the UK's banks topped out at 413 just as the 2008 collapse started. What this means is a bank that lends out ten times its own 'money' can survive a 10% drop in its assets value. (Without a central bank bail out.) At 413, the smallest of asset price drops causes complete bankrupcy. Yet, confidence remains near absolute. No-one cares. When 2% care, it is game over for our society.

Society is founded on fear and fear of anarchy allows society to continue.

The instant a member of society no longer fears what will happen when society / banks / finance collapse is the moment they begin to thrive in a human civilisation.


Again we are back to belief.

Do you believe that our society is founded upon fear?

If you believe that society is not founded on fear then nothing anyone will ever say or do will change your mind. In fact, you are more likely to choose to die than reverse such a powerfully held belief. Thus the dawning of a human civilisation patiently awaits your death and hopes that your children are not as childlike as you.

Or you can have a serious go at critical thought. Increase your own self awareness. In doing so enhance your awareness of others and truly begin to understand the world in which you live. Buying my three books may help this necessary, in my opinion, transformation.

With any luck, the books will be free over Christmas, starting December 25th and lasting for five days. Book One will be free for five days starting Saturday.

Be seeing you

21 October, 2018


Apparently, in the UK, banks are tightening credit and after many years of easy credit and very low interest rates, marginal businesses are expected to crash. The number of business expected to crash is expected to be significant and the stronger businesses are being increasingly wary of not being paid.

Now, I would have thought that marginal business collapse would be caused by the tightening credit and gently increasing interest rates but no this is not the case. Apparently Brexit is to blame. Not the banks.

If a significant number of marginal businesses failing in a short time frame is a problem, then are the banks not to blame for the number of years of easy credit and low interest rates for sustaining marginal businesses. (A marginal business is one where they can only just afford to meet interest and other payments or that they need to borrow to be able to meet interest and other payments.) No, the banks are encouraging us to blame Brexit and not the banks themselves.

I have discussed banks and government in many of my blog posts. Today, I have a different approach. To be honest, the thoughts are forming in my mind as I type.

Let us imagine a strong and thriving economy and lots and lots of happy content people. Opportunities abound for entrepreneurs, businesses, students, children, old people, philosophers and most important of all, blog writers. Spend a few minutes imagining this perfect world because we could start it on Monday.

In this 'perfect' world I will discuss two groups. Those who own a means of production and those who work for them. The owners make profits and the workers have savings. Profits can be re-invested within the business in an attempt to reduce waste and in other ways to improve the efficiency of the business. Or the owners may buy a yacht or a Ferrari. The workers may spend their savings on luxury goods or holidays or buying higher quality versions of things that they already own. Some workers may seek to 'invest' their savings in an existing business or start their own. Any business owner with an investment opportunity that he cannot fund from profits will seek to borrow the savings of those workers who seek investment opportunities. He will offer an interest rate based upon experience and the potential profitability of the investment opportunity.

The world discussed above is sustainable. It is how things have worked for thousands of years. It is not how things have worked in our lifetimes. The key difference is where in the 'perfect' world we have profits and savings, in our world we have money / currency / green backs / moolah / dollars / euros / dosh / quatloos and spondoolas. Our world is not sustainable simply because of the way we create currency. The business man is not overly dependent upon profits but he is dependent upon banks for credit. Workers don't bother with savings and as such are also dependent upon banks for credit.

The key difference of the 'perfect' world to our world is profit and savings versus credit. One higher order effect of that difference is that the 'perfect' world is sustainable and our world is not sustainable.

The perfect world is sustainable as a business continues to exist provided it has workers. The business need not make a profit but then re-investment in the business ceases. Should competitors prove to be more efficient, they would grow and offer incentives for the workers of the non-profitable business to join them. The business owner may well sell their business to their more efficient competitors. The business owner then has choices as to where to deploy his savings or even become a worker himself.

Now, in our 'real world' things are similar but the crucial difference is credit. There is no credit in the perfect world but there is in ours. With credit, we are not borrowing others savings or profits. It is just credit. In our 'real' world access to credit is the key to business success. In our 'real' world access to credit drives the economy. For decades interest rates have fallen and ease of access to credit has increased. Interest rates almost fell to zero in the UK. In other countries interest rates fell to zero and in others it dipped into negative territory. For our 'real' world to continue this trend must continue. The trend being falling interest rates and ever easier access to credit. The banks are now reversing this trend, albeit slowly and carefully. In the UK, the expected recession is being pinned on Brexit and not on banks not continuing the trend of ever lower interest rates an easier access to credit. The trend being interest rates to zero and then increasingly negative.

The sustainability question of our 'real' world has been addressed in the above paragraph. The control of our economy is not in the hands of the owners of production and workers, based upon profit and savings. The control of our economy is in the hands of those who issue credit. The control of the economy is not in the hands of the workers balanced against the hands of the owners of production. The control of the economy is not in the hands of the sixty million people living in the UK but on a handful of bankers. These bankers only issue credit but they get to decide who is worthy of this advantage. As bankers tighten credit, marginal businesses without access to credit collapse. Those the bankers deem worthy get access to credit to buy up failed businesses for pennies on the pound. The people get to experience lower standards of living as credit dries up. Bad businesses take down good businesses and standards of living collapse further. I don't call that a sustainable option.

In our 'real' world, a great many workers have what they consider to be both savings and investments in their pension. Well, when marginal businesses start collapsing, the major businesses will experience a drop in profits and you may wish to avert your gaze as your pension pot evaporates too. That won't feel very 'sustainable' and neither will those who can no longer make interest payments on the credit they been granted to purchase cars and homes.

Is our world really 'real'? It won't feel real when property prices crash as banks tighten up lending to new home buyers. It won't feel real as your employer is no longer able to pay you. It won't feel real when your car is repossessed and you realise that living in a large house in the sticks is not an easy place to commute from. Actually, it will feel very real once the shock has worn off. This 'real' world lacks sustainability. This is not immediately obvious. It takes critical thought to see it. It is a near certainty that you will not have been educated in critical thought. As I have taken the principles of higher order analysis from Control Engineering and applied it to our society and only I have done that . No-one will have been educated in that branch of 'social engineering' because I haven't taught  it yet. (Other than through this blog.)

There is no need to panic or be particularly concerned, provided you are able to critically think and are able to perform high order analysis on your current situation.

Basically, the non-sustainable will not be sustained and the sustainable will. Until, we are enticed by govt and banks into accepting credit once more.


There are benefits to credit. Banks can lend to certain sectors and through this very real but artificial stimulus they can promote growth and technological breakthroughs. This will be far quicker than waiting for profits and savings to fund such investment. Thus the comment by one investment banker that he is doing Gods work and he truly is. The only problem of this is that the banker is not a god or God and will make errors of judgments and the occasional mistake. This is unfortunate as the banker is effectively controlling the productive output of virtually everybody else and we will all suffer for his mistakes as we have benefited from his successes. As discussed above, this is not a sustainable state of affairs and eventually the bankers mistakes will offset banker successes and the people will suffer a massive collapse in their standard of living.

Basically, as the average standard of living stagnates and then collapses do not expect bankers / govt to explain why this has happened. They will believe it was because of Brexit or Russia or China or Trump or you the voter for being unproductive. Only a few will know why and even I will go dark.


To those of you who believe that I am a purveyor of doom. Perhaps. To the question of sustainability of your 'real' world I offer two clues as to why it is not sustainable.

1) Your productivity must increase every year

2)  Your house price must go up, perhaps not yearly but over time

3) Retirement age is increasing rather than decreasing

4) (world) debt must double every 6 - 12 years

There you go, I have given you a choice.


The original idea for this piece came from here:- https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-20/it-will-not-end-well-how-gibsons-paradox-has-been-buried

I haven't finished reading it yet either. So, rather than edit this I will continue with my research.

If anyone would like me to actually teach this stuff then you are going to have to find a way to pay me to do so. I choose to due pure research for my own amusement and sharing it for others to persue seems reasonable in my opinion. (It sates my desire to be productive.)

I am happy to share my thoughts and ideas for free, as this is my preferred method of research, analysis and evaluation tending toward understanding. (Mine, not necessarily yours.)

You take care


extra bit

It bears repeating that what we use as 'money' is in actual fact - bank credit. Thus when banks are tightening, they are removing 'money' from the economy. Even if banks were to be credit neutral, then they would still be tightening as bank credit comes with fees and interest payments.

Bank credit is what banks give you when you ask for and they grant you a 'loan' or 'mortgage'. Bank credit is what banks give to businesses when they ask for 'loans' or lines of (bank) credit. Should you have any savings or a pension pot, then that is just bank credit too.

All this bank credit has been loaned into existence and so when the banks tighten, less bank credit is created and so bank credit drains from the economy. In other words, as we are all conditioned to think of bank credit as 'money', tightening drains 'money' from the economy. With less 'money' in the economy GDP drops and companies go bankrupt. The average person must use savings too maintain his standard of living or lower his standards of living. All because of how much 'money' a banker decides we can, as a society, have.

However, if we did use 'money' as money, then banks would not be able to take it from us by tightening. If banks wanted the savings of workers or the profits of business, then the banks would have to actually earn it or at least offer a decent return when they borrow money from us.

I am not sure if you either believe me or cannot believe me. Let us imagine that we decided to pay back all our loans of bank credit. We would run out of what we call 'money' long before we paid back all the loans of bank credit. Our savings accounts would be drained. Our pension pots would be drained. Our wallets would be empty. Not a single coin or note would be found anywhere and we still would not be close to repaying all the banks loans of bank credit. This is the world as it is now.

In a perfect world, should the UK economy need one trillion pounds to function perfectly. Then one trillion pounds of money needs to be available. This money would be free to flow around the economy. Banks would be happy to step in and create one trillion units of bank credit, all of which needs to be repaid (with interest and fees). The perfect world is then corrupted into what we have now.

So, how do we create this perfect world? Well, everyone understanding that bank credit is not money would be a great start.


Even more

We all 'sort of' know that bank credit also known as currency is not real money. Yet we use it anyway as there does not appear to be a realistic alternative. Banks and government like this staus quo, as do many others and most of us. Let us see how much we like it when our standards of living start to fall a little faster than we are prepared to accept. Or perhaps you feel that your standard of living will continue to rise until you are dead. Well, what about the children? Yours may be OK but what about the average child? How about your grand children? Well, obviously, we aren't all that bothered as we don't even believe that a system better than what we have actually exists or could exist. We 'believe' we have what we have or anarchy. We are not conditioned to believe in anything else. My perfect world is just unimaginable. We believe that it could not exist and we are right. We are also right if we believe that it could exist. It could exist Monday morning. It starts to exist the moment you truly stop believing that bank credit is money. The moment you stop accepting that bank credit is money, your world changes.

I find it amusing to look at my bank statement and see the numbers, especially the bank balance number clearly labelled as bank credit. I like the fact that when I did take out a loan, the loan clearly stated that I had been extended bank credit.

The perfect world, as I described it, is but moments away.

If bank credit is not money, it isn't, then what are you personally going to accumulate as savings? More simply, what items of lasting value will you exchange your excess bank credit for?

Slightly bolder, what items of  value are you going to exchange your bank credit denominated pension for?

A few examples, fine wine, art, whisky, luxury watches, land, buildings, houses, silver, gold or invest it in productive land and / or equipment that you own?


Hopefully, there is plenty in this one blog post for you to critically think about. Especially comparing and contrasting the real world with the perfect world I briefly described.

Be seeing you

20 October, 2018

Feminine vs feminism

I have been 'binge' watching the Fiamengo files by Janice Fiamengo on Youtube and I can't believe how far society has advanced without me noticing.

Now, if you have read most of my work you may be aware that I believe that Heaven on Earth is brought about by promoting our own individual inner humanity, after which a civilisation will naturally come into existence.

We start this natural process by encouraging our own inner humanity and as we become better human beings we can then start encouraging others by deed and example. At some point we may begin coaching those who seek our advice. None of which is coercive.

In this way an aggressive male will transform himself into a physically capable human male. The benefit to the man is that he no longer needs to be aggressive to demonstrate his power. His power is noted by others both consciously and sub consciously. We all continually test each other and a true human male will easily pass all these tests. Our society contains a vast number of aggressive males but a civilisation would, by definition, contain vast numbers of physically capable human males.

Now where do you believe women fit into the grand scheme of things as described above? Can you imagine how a young lady can help a young man more readily become a human male rather than continue his existence as an aggressive male?

After watching 77 Fiamengo files it has become clear to me that a feminist is the equivalent of an aggressive male. Thus we are living in a very advanced society when groups of feminists can easily provoke or encourage men to act aggressively and then severely punish them from a position of innocent victim-hood. We are now at the point where clumps of feminists can even take down male human beings for occasional lapses or even for nothing at all.

A clump of feminists are eager to display verbal and physical aggression, which were the domain of the aggressive male discussed above. An aggressive male is keen to display physical coercion but a clump of feminists are eager to use their tools to impose their will on individuals and groups. The use of coercion in any form is ugly and non-human.

A feminist would have you believe that a feminine woman is somehow weak and dependent upon an aggressive male for protection. Well, feminists would have you believe a great many things. I suggest that a feminine woman is the equivalent of a physically capable human male. A feminine woman is a true human female. As such, she will develop her own humanity and the humanity of those around her. Ideally, she will have a mate and they will both develop their humanity together. Perhaps, creating life and raising the child in a loving and very much human environment. Or not, a feminine woman is powerful and more than capable of making her own decisions and dealing with situations as they arise without worry, concern or fear.

A feminine woman will naturally dampen the aggressive feelings and actions of an under developed human male, also known as an aggressive male or what I would call a male member of society. What concerns me most, as an aggressive male on the path towards becoming a true male human being is dealing with an enraged mob of feminists? Upsetting a female member of society is very easy and can happen without intent or even awareness. Once this upset female shares her feelings with a clump of feminists, then the 'war' starts.

Luckily, Janice Fiamengo has given her advice on this topic of engagement with a clump of feminists. DON'T APOLOGISE, as they take this as an admission of guilt. I would suggest that they see this as a sign of weakness and attack. Therefore, never demonstrate any weakness. Not to the feminists or any of societies structures that get involved, such as police, social workers, human resources or your boss. Just continue to be a human being and regardless of provocation, do not allow your inner aggressive human male to display any aggression. In other words, be that which you have chosen to be, a human being. Society may well punish you anyway but what would a human being expect from a society? Certainly not justice. A human being can just display by words and deeds that they are a human being and by that act alone will encourage others to do the same until human beings are in ascendance and birth an actual human civilisation that could easily be described as Heaven on Earth.

By maintaining your humanity and not allowing fear or aggression to dictate your actions you will also have an influence on a few individuals in the feminist mob which is attacking you. These may well leave the feminist camp and travel the path to humanity. A far greater effect will be on the feminist mob itself, taking down a true human being will have a massive psychological impact on their group psyche. I do mean massive. The feminist mob will be very careful not to do it again and thus inadvertently accelerate the transformation of society into a civilisation.

The previous paragraph is an excellent example of very high order critical thought and you are invited to re-read and ponder it at your leisure.

The aim of this piece is not to tell you what is or is not feminine. The true aim of this piece is not to establish gender norms for men and women. The goal of this piece is to encourage you, the reader, to either begin or continue the development of your humanity and to offer some encouragement and reasons for doing so.

The true aim of this piece was for me to consider my responses and behaviour should a clump of feminists wish to test my humanity. In hindsight, this is easy. Simply pass the test (by remaining human) and realising the truth, a society is not a civilisation.

I now no longer fear being tested. I now have an intellectual curiosity about whether I would rise to the challenge and pass the test. A failure to do so would just mean that I am not yet a true human being - which I already know.

My training continues and Janice Fiamengo has an important role to play. In watching her videos, I must see the injustice and contradictions. I must choose to note any fear or anger I may understandably feel but that these feelings undermine my inherent humanity. Fear and anger are just tools to help recognise an injustice, fear and anger will not help in creating a civilisation as only love and understanding can do that.

So, what do you think of feminism? Is it based on love and understanding or on anger and fear?

Remembering that only love and understanding can destroy fear and anger.


This piece was written in around three hours and not edited as I ought to do something else now, like eat food and say good morning to my partner.

I started writing this piece half way through


Fiamenga file 78

The Ugly Face Of Carceral Feminism - TFF episode 78